The Causes of the First World war in July 1914

Article by Mlungisi Zwelihle Gumede

Doctor Maxuell Zakhele Shamase the Lecturer in University of Zululand lecturing on European history AHIS 211 usually ask the following question in the test and examination under this topic.
"Without the Assassination at Sarajevo, the first World war wouldn't  have been broken out do you agree? Give reasons for your answer."

Now to answer to this question you need to state whether you agree or you disagree with the above statement, in your introduction and as you continue writing your arguments or motivation should show that you agree if you do and disagree if you are against the statement. Look below on how to answer this question.

This writting is about the causes of the first world war in July 1914. So i disagree with the above statement because there were a lot of factors that led to the outbreak of the first world war, it was not only the Assasination. World war occured between July 1914 and November 1918. This war was often refered to as the Great war or the war to end all other wars. It was the most significant event of 20th century. The level of destruction and the loss of lives was so great. World war one was longer, bloody and more destructive. It can be argued that this war was one of the greatest wars. However historians differ as to what exactly caused this war. Most of them pointed out five factors that led to this war and it was abbreviated ANIMA by Mlungisi Zwelihle Gumede a historian. First it was, an Alliance System, 2. Nationalism, 3. Imperialism, 4. Militarism and lastly, 5. Assassination at Sarajevo. All of this factors will be discussed fully.

In 18770 Europe was the richest and most advance continent its people enjoyed high level of prosperity to anywhere in the world. By 1907 Europe was divided into two armed camps, involving all the major powers. The alliance were meant to increase security of each country. They ensured that a war that involved any of these powers would be probarbly involve all of them.  German was the dominant partner in the Tripple Alliance and was the most powerful European State. After the success in chancellor. German realised that peace was necessary for new country to become a nation. He believed the way to way to keep Europe at peace was to keep France isolated and to keep on friendly terms with Britain. As part of his plan he made treaties between German and Austria-Hungary and between German and Russia. He also refrained from any naval built up or an attempt to carve a colonial empire. To avoid any antagonism with Britain.

Britain was the key member in the Tripple Entente. Britain have became increasingly concerned about the growing naval strength of German. As the Naval race between two powers developed their relation became more and more strained. The result of this was that German drove Britain into the arms of of German's enemy. Britain solved her long standing difference with France by forming a Tripple Entente Cordiale in 1904. In 1907 Britain overcame her difference with Russia and Reached similar arangement. The Tripple Entente was then created to oppose the Tripple Alliance.

Another factor that led to the First world war was nationalism. Nationalism is more than just loyalty and patriotism, and it can be defined as a strong identification of people with those of nation or state. The aim of nationalist movement was the establishment by the subject people of a new indipendent state for their own racial group. In the latter part of 19th century and early 20th century to dominate each other. Britain was in dominant position and led Europe in economic and colonial fields. Her position of superiority aroused great jelousy especially in France and German. France was humiliated by her defeat in the Franco-Prussian war and wanted a revenge against German. Unification of German upset German. Unification of German upset the balance of power in Europe and led to new Alliance. The Austria-Hungarian Empire felt threatened by slav nationalists and was opoosed by slav nationalists in Bulkans. Nationalism was the power key that could plunge the world into the major conflict.

Imperialism also contributed to the outbreak of the first world war. Imperialism is when a country increase their power and wealthy by bringing additional territories under their control. It is sometimes refered to as the grab for colonies. Before world war one. Africa and other parts of Assia were point of contention among European nations because of raw materials, these areas could provide, tention around these areas ran high. The increasing competition and desire for great empires led to the increase in confrontation that led to the world war one. Industrialists demanded that their government should gain more colonies or spheres of influence for their own advantage. Colonies became important because they were the source of raw materials, market for manufactured goods and investments. The powers for colonies in such regions as Africa and China caused a number of crisis which increased tention among already hostile powers.

Another factor that led to the outbreak of the first world war was Militarism. Militarism was also refered to as armed race. The buit up or rivals acampanied by arrangements of race between the two blocks. Each side believed that it was essential to built up their armies and their stockpiled weapons so as to be stronger than other side. This built up heightened the fear and suspicion between the two blocks. German army was the most powerful in Europe. It was well equiped and well trained. Like all other European Armies except Britain, it was based on conscription or compulsory military service. Russia, France and Autria-Hungarians employed similar system. Britain unlike the other major European powers did not have a larger conscription army. Britain relied on her navy, which was most powerful in Europe to protect her state. This led to the first world war.

The last cause which is sometimes refered to as the key cause of this war was Assassination at Sarajevo. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinamd became the spark that ignited the war. Austria-Hungary was Afraid that many of her national groups would prefare to unite with Serbia to form a united Slav State and was looking for an excuse to crush Serbia in a war. This opportunity came about June 1814 when the Austrialian heir to become a throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip. At first they failed to kill him where they Sent Serbian nationalist group called Black Hand because the driver avoided the grenade thrown at the car. However there was no dirrect evidence that Serbian government was involved. All of these triggered the world war.

All these factors discussed above clearly reveals that it was not only the Assasination at Sarajevo that led to the oubreak of th first world war but they were other factors, however the assasination at Sarajevo increase the chances of this war to continue become stronger and stronger than before.


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