What were the Political, Social, and economic causes of the great Trek

Article by: Mlungisi Zwelihle Gumede

This article is critically about the origins or causes of the Great trek. This includes, political, social and economic causes of this movement in Southern Africa.

Before embarking further on the causes of the the Great trek it is important for us to know and understand the term Great trek. Great trek was the movement of Dutch speaking colonies into the interior of Southern Africa in search of land where they could establish their own homeland indipendent from British rule. It was a mass movement into the interior of South Africa. Great trek was also defined as the migration of Boer farmers with their slaves and African servants from the cape colony to the north from 1836 to 1845 to escape from British Authority. This was the name given to the migration of Afrikaners from the British ruled cape colony.
Ox wagon used by Boers during the migration
Ox wagon which was used by Boers placed in Kruger National park
                                    Political cause
The arrival of British at the cape caused disatisfaction to to the Afrikaans speaking people. The abolition of slavery by Britosh and introduction of slave act in 1834 made Boers to lose their slaves and they decided to migrate to the interor. Favouritism became another political cause of this movement. British favoured Blacks by introducing the Black Circuit Court (BCC) where Blacks could sue their Boer masters as a result of this Boers decided to move into the interior with their slaves. They also introduced the 50th Ordinance Law which favoured blacks to work for people whom they voluntarily chose, it also gave Hottentots same rights as theirs. The system of land Tenure also irritated the Boers as well and this caused the migration.
Map showing point of origin of the voortrekkers to the other parts of South Africa

Over population as the result of refugees who fled from Zulu armies into Eastern Cape province and British settlers who were about 50 000 around 1835 also causex great trek. The mfecane caused land vacuum in the interior of South Africa and it also led to the depopulation in the north, this caused Boers to migrate into the interior including Transkei, Transvaal and Orange Free state. The Boers were forced by British to adopt English as their official language that was why Boers trekked to the north. Drought also led to the migration of Boers considered them selves as chosen race of God, so they did not want to mix themselves with Blacks.

Economic cause
British arrival at the cape threatened  lives of the Boes economically. The Boers depended on agricultural activities such as farming and cattle keeping so in order for their cattle to survive thwy needed enough land with enough water and grass. Vootrekkers ( Afrikaans term which meant those who trekked ahead)  migrated into the interior to establish natural green pastures for their cattle and they trekked northwards in search of land where they could farm.

Why Great trek is important?
Great led to the creation of two indipendent Afrikaner Republic with their own government, Natal and South African Republic. The TrekBoers were still economical depended on the British colonists.British Authorities soon followed the Afrikaners into the interior. The Great trek posed threat to African kingdom and conflicts between whites and Blacks. This movement made whites to occupy land and made Blacks peasantry and increase missionary work. When voortrekkers left the policy of peace and friendship was laid. Early phase of the great trek was characterised by severe conflict between Black and White. In 1838 Mzililazi attaked the Afrikaners and Portgieter withdrew his larger at VegKoP and in return Ndebele sufered heavy loss. In january 1837 Portgier and Maritz defeated the Ndebele and Captured large cattle. The cattle of the Zulu king Dingane were stolen by Foreigners. Pietretief failed to bring cattles from Sekonyela.

In the final analysis of the causes of the great trek, there were many political, social and economic factors that led to this movement and some of them are mentioned and discussed above. In is of good benefit to further read other books and webpages to get more information about the causes of the great trek.


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